Author Archives: Kevin

Night Stalker in Carthage Falls – by Kevin Lazarus – Part 2

My mysterious night follower suddenly stopped. With each walk home after sunset it didn’t happen again for some time. In fact, weeks passed, and being no different than most kids my age, I forgot about the strange occurrences. Then—one quiet evening, just after sunset—it happened again. Like before, I heard the inexplicable footsteps. And as I did before, I stopped and looked around. The feeling of something following me was thick in the air. I could nearly taste it in my mouth. Someone was there, watching me—stalking me. This time I was bolder, thinking that it was my friend (hoping that it was my friend). I yelled for him to stop scaring me and go home. more »

Night Stalker in Carthage Falls – by Kevin Lazarus – Part 1

(This blog is the beginning of a series of blogs from The Dark Side of Carthage Falls, The Anthology – by Kevin Lazarus)

What I am about to tell you is the beginning of a series of truly mysterious events that happened to me when I was very young. I have told these stories to very few during my lifetime and refrain from using the name of the town out of consideration for friends who might still live there; who also experienced similar events. What I am about to reveal to you is the truth… more »

BOO! Happy Halloween

BOO! Happy Halloween

by Kevin Lazarus

The Hunters Moon amidst the night, in the sky immense and bright…a haunting lonely midnight light; corn stalk shadows, and scarecrows too, is there something following you?

Jack-o’-lantern’s wicked grin, near a door that candy’s in; a lonely road betwixt and ‘tween you walk with friends on Halloween.

“Trick or treat” you chant and cheer, hoping to find a friendly ear. Ugly shadows, monsters too, sheets with holes bump into you!

Something rustles in the grass! Autumn winds or foolish lass? Fairies, ghosts and goblins…BOO! Perhaps they are what’s following you?

Copyright 10/2011 Kevin Lazarus

The Walking Dead – Keeping It Real

The new episodic series, hosting herds of zombies aimlessly wandering the earth, and a rag tag group of living survivors desirous of a safe haven, is fun fare. more »

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