Posts Tagged ‘Indian Stories’

How I Got My Inspiration to Write Koicto, by Amy Jarecki


By Amy Jarecki

A friend of mine encouraged me to write a post about how I got my inspiration to write Koicto. It seems like I’ve really hyped it up over the past few weeks, but he said I should share the spiritual motivation that moved me to write:

I moved to Cedar City, Utah in February of 2010, and on one of my first jaunts out of town, I went to the Parowan Gap to see the ancient petroglyphs. As a descendant of the Cherokee tribe, I have always been interested in Native American culture and studied as much as I could get my hands on as a child.

Driving up to the Gap, I saw an array of rock faces carved with many stories, which I knew must contain a wealth of information. The plaque at the site said these petroglyphs were left by the Fremont Indians 1000 years ago. I wondered. At that stage I had never heard of the Fremont Indians (ridiculously named after the US explorer John C. Fremont, 1813-1890). more »

Kevin Lazarus, Recently Interviewed by Author Amy Jarecki

My story, Treasure of the Ghost Dancers recently tied for first place at the Amy Jarecki Blog Fest. It was great participating! I am posting the link to the interview as well as the link to the story.


Treasure of the Ghost Dancers:

Enjoy the read and thanks so much for coming!

Scary Fun!

Kevin Lazarus

Treasure of the Ghost Dancers by Kevin Lazarus

(Just a quick note: Today I am participating in Amy Jarecki’s Blog Fest to celebrate the release of her new book Koicto, a native American story. So to celebrate I have joined a number of other authors in writing a short story with a native American theme…but as ever…still scary fun! I highly recommend reading Amy’s work, she is a fine writer [].

The next installment of The Dark Side of Carthage Falls will be available Wednesday. Until then…enjoy! K. Lazarus)

The old prospector woke to a curious sound—drums pounding away in the middle of the night—echoing throughout the valley. He climbed out of his makeshift bed, a dirty old tick filled with straw, and ambled over the edge of the hill he was sleeping on. The first thing to catch his eye was the stars, bright and flowing from horizon to horizon. He rubbed the whiskers on his chin and, blinking away the sleep from his eyes, looked down into the lower valley at a curious sight. The golden glow of firelight flickered against the desert hills, revealing strange luminous shadows—dancing a curious dance. The sound of bells and hushed voices hung in the air, wafting in on a warm desert breeze. The old man continued to watch, both curious and a little disturbed. more »

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