Turkey, Lions and Werewolves, Oh My!

Just thought I would give you a little update. Due to the Thanksgiving Day holiday The Dark Side of Carthage Falls… won’t post until Monday November 28th.  I am spending time with family and friends and hope that you’re doing the same.  Don’t worry, there is more to come and it is getting scarier with each installment…trust me I know.

Just for the fun of it. Here are a few photos from my past days in the film industry.

Werewolf the Television Series

Kevin Lazarus and Werewolf from the television series Werewolf in the eighties. Sorry you won’t find me on IMDB, I left the biz long before that started and haven’t gone back to submit any information. I suspect that I have only about half of the actual credit I deserve for the films that I worked on. But in those days, it was all about the paycheck. The stuntman in the suit is Anthony. Kind of cool guy.


Ephraim the Puppet was created for a children’s film that was never completely funded. Unfortunately, that was the nature of the industry I was in. But hey, my kids had a lot of fun with him for many years…


Long Days and Nights and little sleep. If I remember right, I think I had about only four or five hours sleep during seventy-two hours. I was so pumped during those days. I was doing what I loved most!


Upper Room from Man’s Search for Happiness (2). I built this set with a couple of friends of mine. Suppose to be in the Middle East. That’s me in one of Charlton Heston’s robes from the Ten Commandments…

Happy Thanksgiving All!!!









One Response to Turkey, Lions and Werewolves, Oh My!

  1. Scott says:

    That is so cool that you were apart of the Werewolf tv series.
    I loved this show when it was airing on tv and was devasted when it was cancelled.
    By far IMHO the best werewolf story, characters, and of course the werewolves costume of any movie that’s ever been done.
    Would love to see this series picked back up but im sure they would just screw it up now.

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