
I would like to introduce you to a new resource for authors–The Authors’ Ally–created specifically for authors, by authors, who are self publishing their own works. The goal of our organization is to offer specific promotional tools as well as technical services at a nominal price range. Why, because most writers want to write and  have limited funds to put themselves out there. And, considering the internet wasteland left behind by the ongoing publishing collapse it is nearly impossible to get noticed without a few of these resources.

In the coming months TAA will continue to add services for self promoting authors. We will also develop package deals designed to give you the best results for your money. We know how hard it is to blend two completely different worlds, writing and marketing. We also know that your greatest success is in doing what you do best. If you decide to join us at TAA, what you will never have to do ever again is pay boutique prices to get your name and your books out there.

Of course, while we can help with the self promotion, we can’t make up the difference for a poorly written story. That is your job! But, think about this, by using TAA to promote you, you can do what you do best–write! So, go write that next book and use The Authors’ Ally and we will bring new tools to promote you, (and we have some great ones coming) so that you will be a success!

Kevin Lazarus

Author at

Below is an excerpt from our press release:

The Authors Ally – Cuts Through the Chaos of the Publishing World

With the dramatic changes taking place in the publishing world, leaving writers to promote their own e-books, The Authors Ally is offering an ever increasing supply of tools to help authors through the chaos of self promotion.

Salem, Utah, February 13, 2012 — “The publishing landscape has been nuked!” Says fantasy author Kevin Lazarus, while attending LTUE writing symposium being held at Utah Valley University. “It’s like someone dropped a bomb and wiped out the centuries old publishing world. Attending Reps from established publishing houses looked like a deer in the headlights, clearly in a state of denial that their industry has changed forever! It’s like when the printing press came into existence or we went from cassettes to DVDs, but worse. Truth is…no one seems to have a real handle on where all of this is going… That’s just how dramatic this sea change is.” Mr. Lazarus went on to explain that the industry is being flooded with a tidal wave of new works that are creating a world of white noise, making it nearly impossible for everyone, including long established authors, to self-promote their works.

In response to the growing marketing confusion, new breeds of self publishing houses have come into existence. One of these is The Authors Ally in Salem, Utah. They focus entirely on e-books and plan to offer a variety of services designed solely to ease authors’ headaches; with everything from uploading manuscripts to self promotion. “We hope to offer a service soon that will give authors the kind of feedback they desperately need as well as the demographics they require to find their audience,” says Jesse Fisher, founder and partner of The Author’s Ally. “Our goal is to get away from the boutique mentality of the past book culture and address the digital age demands for the new world of publishing. As we add services to our website, authors will be able to hand pick what they want for a nominal price point.”

For additional information on The Author’s Ally, visit

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